Zoom In Surgery Whitening
Would you like an instant whiter smile? Then look no further…
Here at Ocean Village Dental Clinic, we now provide an ‘in surgery tooth whitening’ system. This acts as a booster to get you on your way to achieving the whiter smile you desire. You will see instant results.
Perfect for those special occasions coming up at the weekend.
It involves a session in surgery with a blue light being placed near your mouth which activates the whitening gel placed on your teeth. A special liquid dam is used to protect your soft tissues and gums. it’s magic.
You will need to do three days of whitening at home to complete to treatment, and then voila, all done! Instant results.
Just look at that!
The shade tab is the whitest “natural” shade and we’ve managed to go even whiter than that. Just in one session, amazing!
Come and see if this is something we can do for you.