Hygiene treatment
Top six reasons why you should visit the dental hygienist:

Many people have fillings; some may have crowns and/or bridges and maybe even some teeth missing. If you come to see me, I can help you understand what you can do to try and prevent any further damage or tooth loss. Together we can customise your home care routine to help you do this.

Healthy gums matter. There are many studies which link your gum health to your heart health, diabetes, low birth weight and dementia. At your dental check-up you will be given a score which rates your gum health. When you come to see me, I can use this score to put you on a pathway of care to help improve your gum health. Treatment may be required to help stabilise the gum disease, which once completed, you may move to a maintenance phase, or you may need the extra help of a specialist.

Before or after some dental treatments it is necessary for you to have your teeth cleaned so that optimal results are achieved. If you are about to have teeth whitening or composite build-ups, then seeing me for a clean is essential. If you have had ‘QUICK STRAIGHT TEETH’ treatment or ‘REVEAL ALIGNERS’, once the treatment is completed, a clean and polish will enhance the results you achieved and you will walk away with a radiant smile and your teeth feeling amazing!
You may be on one of our plans which enables you to have a check-up once or twice a year and one to four hygiene visits a year. The reason for this is maintenance. You may have gum disease which needs to be maintained every 3 months or you may need the motivation of a few visits a year to help you with your oral health routine.

Having clean teeth is an excellent motivator. If they look good and feel good you’re more likely to want to look after them. We tailor our dental plans. This means if you would like to spread the cost of a couple of hygienist visits a year you can have a ‘HYGIENE’ plan. You can also see me directly for a hygiene visit whenever suits you, just give us a call to book.

There is nothing nicer than having fabulously clean gleaming teeth. If you feel you have neglected your teeth or have some staining that is preventing you from smiling and looking and feeling your best, then why not come in and see me for a clean. Feeling confident when you smile should not be underestimated, it can be life changing.